Corporate Wellness Workshop

This is a self-awareness and self-healing workshop to help you avoid burnout in your personal and professional life.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, drained and crushed by the pressures of work, family, relationships and life in general, and that it is all too much to handle, then this workshop is for you.

Combining eastern wisdom and modern psychology, this wellness workshop was designed to help you discover the connection between mind, spirit and body and the impact your mental state has on your physical health. During the workshop, you will learn simple daily techniques to start managing your mental emotional and physical well-being.

About this workshop

This is a seven hour wellness workshop. In those seven hours we dedicate time to meditation, understanding the importance of being mindful during our day, we discuss the characteristics of a healthy and balanced mental and emotional state, plus learn a few simple daily techniques for staying in good health on a mental, emotional and physical level.